Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 5

Present: Annabel, Henry, Ben, Jared, Matt, Sophie, Bayley, Jay,
Absent: Harry, Sarah, Olivia, Sophie M, John,


  • Assembly - well done, remember to pack up. I encourage you to delegate this if you want to, to responsible people in the class who are running assembly.
  • Google Apps - thank you Jared for being independent and following up. There is a relationship between how much learning energy you put into things, and how much you learn as a Tech Wizard.
  • Junior Playhouse - here is the link to the junior playhouse page on FOS Live. We are supporting Mrs Brown by taking photos (Bayley, Nick, Jay) and then importing them into iPhoto (Ben). Once this is done, we then upload them to the web site (Henry, Jared, Annabel, Sophie) and they appear!
  • Roster - is this all set up now? Yes.

  1. All - Check the roster every day.
  2. All - Practice using google apps.
  3. Bayley, Nick, Jay - get photos from R4.
  4. Jared - try inviting others to your presentation (eg. Carolyn, others in Room 9, etc.)

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