Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 2

Present: Ben, Anna, Nicholas, Matt, Jay, Hannah, Sophie, John, Sophie, Olivia, Annabel, Bayley, Sarah and Harry
Apologies: Izzy, Jared


  • Term 2 Roster - Everybody has now entered all their details into the spreadsheet. Entering these details into FirstClass. Annabel, Hannah and Henry are starting on this. Will finish by the next meeting.
  • Ben (GarageBand) - Ben shared some of his songs on GarageBand and showed us how to create a simple mix.
  • What do you want to learn this term? - We left comments on the last meeting's post about things we'd like to learn or improve on. Making this a personal goal/focus for the rest of the term. Thinking about how to accomplish this.
  • Google accounts - many problems with signing into the TW blog to post. Checked to maked sure that invitations to join the blog were accepted and that all have Google accounts.

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