Friday, August 25, 2006

Here is some great feedback for the brilliant work you do.

----- Original Message -----

Hi Tech Wizards

I just wanted to write and tell how fantastic you all are. I have used the
tech wizards a lot of the last few weeks and you're are all incredibly
reliable, skillful and polite.

Daniel and Dom, your work in Room 18 with our webpages has been brillaint.
You have really helped us to complete some great work!

Cassie and Matt, you were both an amazing in assempbly today, showing
responsibility and wonderful problem solving skills.

Thank you to all of you and keep up the great work!
Mrs Crozier

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

iMovie tip > won't recognise camera

A good tip from Stuart Hale at Apple:

Before importing movie footage into iMovie, it is a great idea to check
that the camera is turned on and plugged in BEFORE starting iMovie up.
That way iMovie has more chance of recognising the camera is plugged in!

thanks Stuart!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Class email accounts

All class email accounts can now email outside email addresses. This is
useful for student research. I would suggest that teachers have the rule
in their class that whenever a child is emailing outside of the school, or
to an adult, that they must CC the email to them so you are aware.


Rob Clarke
Class Teacher/Communications Leader
Team 14
Fendalton School
t: +64 3 351 9788 ext. 807
f: +64 3 351 0786

Re: Emailing

You just put them into your contacts, or paste it into the address field.


Daniel Coats writes:
>How do you send to email adresses like

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Fwd: PodOmatic update...Fans, Categories, and Members!

Try this site if you have a microphone on your computer- it allows you to record podcasts right into the website!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Preparing iMovies for the web

I hope you are having a great holiday! Here is the link about preparing imovies for your class websites:

Friday, June 30, 2006

How to email to a blog

Check out this URL for instructions on emailing to a blog. This is a useful way to blog because you don't have to log in every time. It does put the post up as a draft however, so after a few have been done you need to go up online and publish them.

Learning about SPAM

This web page is worth reading up on:

Click here for ideas about spam...

All Tech Wizards need to know how to deal with spam and build this into their learning for being ethical and safe when learning in online environments.

Re: iWeb tutorials

Yes, Tech Wizards may not get much out of many of the movies, BUT I bet you they will help others around the school!

You are doing a wonderful job.

Daniel Coats writes:
>i did not think the tutorials were very good because they only said
>things we know

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Re: Instructions to get signature on messages

Watch what happens if you hold down the Command (apple) key, shift and
press the number 4.

Then drag to select a new region on the screen.
A file will be created on your desktop, probably called Picture1.pdf
Open then copy-paste this into an email!

Try exploring the Help menu in the Finder

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I just discovered a blog which will be really helpful when learning iWeb. It is located off the .Mac website.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

When Is the Meeting on Thursday and where is it.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My buisness card will look like this


Name:Cassandra Dorn-Double.
Jobs:Tech Wizard,Student,Fendalton School.
Class Ph:828. Home Ph:(03)3370335.
Persanal I.D. No:different No for each card.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Can I learn how to work the sound systym.

Today at Tech Wizards meeting we looked at these things:

1. All Tech Wizards need to contribute at least 3 posts to the Tech Wizards blog about their ideas or things they want to learn. This is due by Wednesday week 10 of term 1.

2. Start designing your own Tech Wizards business card. Think about what sorts of information you need to include on this (eg. email address, name, etc.). These are due week 1 of Term 2. You can use any programme you like for this, for example: Word, AppleWorks, Photoshop

Kim and Rob will run sessions when we meet, but we also want you to run some of the training sessions!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I hope Tech Wizards is cool and I get in.

Can I please learn how to work the data projector and plug it in?

Friday, March 24, 2006

I'd love for Tech Wizards to share new skills with kids during lunch times and treat this as a teaching situation where new skills, possibilities and ideas are celebrated and shared. They could use the village for this.

What do you all think of that idea? I guess we'd need to think up a menu of the sorts of things that you could share.