Tuesday, July 25, 2006

iMovie tip > won't recognise camera

A good tip from Stuart Hale at Apple:

Before importing movie footage into iMovie, it is a great idea to check
that the camera is turned on and plugged in BEFORE starting iMovie up.
That way iMovie has more chance of recognising the camera is plugged in!

thanks Stuart!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Class email accounts

All class email accounts can now email outside email addresses. This is
useful for student research. I would suggest that teachers have the rule
in their class that whenever a child is emailing outside of the school, or
to an adult, that they must CC the email to them so you are aware.


Rob Clarke
Class Teacher/Communications Leader
Team 14
Fendalton School
t: +64 3 351 9788 ext. 807
f: +64 3 351 0786
e: rob.clarke@fendalton.school.nz
w: www.fendalton.school.nz/team14/
b: http://team14fos.blogspot.com/

Re: Emailing

You just put them into your contacts, or paste it into the address field.


Daniel Coats writes:
>How do you send to email adresses like coats.family@xtra.co.nz?

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Fwd: PodOmatic update...Fans, Categories, and Members!

Try this site if you have a microphone on your computer- it allows you to record podcasts right into the website!


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Preparing iMovies for the web

I hope you are having a great holiday! Here is the link about preparing imovies for your class websites: