Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 4

Present: Matt, Anna, Henry, Ben, Annabel, Harry, Sophie, Sarah
Apologies: Bailey, Sophie, Jay, Hannah J, John, Olivia
Absent: Jared, Izzy


  • Taking quality photos of learning around the school and uploading these onto the FOS Live website.
  • Roster: Jared and John not present to work on roster. Annabel and Henry are taking responsibility for Monday-Wednesday, will do complete it this afternoon. Jarred will do Thursday and Friday.
  • Check email every day - nobody brought a camera
How to Upload the photos to FOS Live
  • Load the pictures in iPhoto
  • File > Export > Pics
  • Select the correct album to upload the picture to (what area of the site do you want it to go to?)
  • username: fendalton@gmail.com
  • ** Make sure that you have permission to upload to FOS Live first**

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 3

Present: Izzy, Sophie M, Sarah, Harry, Jared, Olivia, John
Apologies: Year 4 Tech Wizards at Woodend Camp.


  1. Roster - Jared and John to complete during meeting. This job was not completed before the meeting. Remember that if you are not on the roster, you won't ever get to support learning across the school!
  2. Historical Archive - Rob shared the historical archive picasa page showing old photos sent in by former students. Check the history page on FOS Live.
  3. iPhoto skills for R20 children - Sarah and Sophie helped Nick and Zach from Team 20 to crop, title and rotate their Maui and the sun artwork photos ready for upload.
  4. Blogging skills for Room 10 -Izzy, Harry and Olivia went to Room 10 to support their blogging skills. Make sure labels are being used correctly.
Next week we'll look at taking photos around the school and uploading these to FOS Live with Sheena.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 2

Present: Ben, Anna, Nicholas, Matt, Jay, Hannah, Sophie, John, Sophie, Olivia, Annabel, Bayley, Sarah and Harry
Apologies: Izzy, Jared


  • Term 2 Roster - Everybody has now entered all their details into the spreadsheet. Entering these details into FirstClass. Annabel, Hannah and Henry are starting on this. Will finish by the next meeting.
  • Ben (GarageBand) - Ben shared some of his songs on GarageBand and showed us how to create a simple mix.
  • What do you want to learn this term? - We left comments on the last meeting's post about things we'd like to learn or improve on. Making this a personal goal/focus for the rest of the term. Thinking about how to accomplish this.
  • Google accounts - many problems with signing into the TW blog to post. Checked to maked sure that invitations to join the blog were accepted and that all have Google accounts.