Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 9

Present: Anna, Bayley & Nicholas, Hannah, Matt, Ben, Annabel, Henry, Jay, Sophie, John, Harry, Rob
Apologies: Olivia, Sophie M, Izzy
Absent: Jared, Sarah


  1. Maths Games iMovie - we spent time talking about the purpose of these movies and how to plan them out. Groups and progress are linked off the TW Spreadsheet.
  2. Next Tuesday - assembly setup training. All TWs are invited to attend this session with Rob and Toby.
By next Tuesday, every TW needs to have booked themselves out using the roster so they can work with their partners to complete the plan (this is on the wall in Rob's office). Next Tuesday you will start filming your footage and putting it together in an iMovie.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Tech Wizard run ICT club

Here is a new idea which the Tech Wizards may be interested in - what about a TW run ICT club for other students in the school?

This club could be run during lunchtimes in the Village and focus on the skills you see as important for FOS? This group could become part of the application process for new Tech Wizards also if you want.

Comments, ideas?

Tech Wizards at Assemblies

Dear Tech Wizards,

The ICT Team (who are a group of staff led by Miss Graham in Room 14) have had the idea of changing how assemblies are supported ICT-wise.

We need to improve the system for checking equipment is working prior to assemblies. The solution to this problem is to use a couple of Year 6 students to do this checking on the Thursday before each assembly.

The ICT Team are proposing that these Year 6 students set up and run the ICT for school assemblies, rather than the Tech Wizards, but still use the Tech Wizards to support them.

I am unsure of this suggestion because I feel that assembly responsibility is a key Tech Wizard job, but can see that having the same people run assemblies every week as a good idea for strengthening the system. There are some more ideas for Tech Wizards, which I'll share as separate posts and your comment.

What are your thoughts? Can you please make comments to this blog post so I can pass your thoughts back to the ICT team? I need this by the end of next week.