Thank you to all the 70 children who applied for a position as a Tech Wizard for next year. The children took part in a long process consisting of an application, training sessions, assessment rubric and skills test. It was extremely competitive. Well done to all applicants. I hope you learned at least one new skill during the process.
Congratulations to the following 5 children who have been successful and will take on their new role as a Tech Wizard in 2010:
Fergus Vickers, Jordan Welsford, Zach Gallagher, Cassa Cotrell-Bone and Daniel Patterson.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
New Tech Wizards for 2010
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Tech Wizard Applications
We are looking for new Tech Wizards for next year!
Tech Wizards take on many responsiblities around the school. They help with ICT in classes, set up the audio/visual for assemblies and even teach the teachers. If you're interesting in applying to be a Tech Wizard you must complete the following steps:
1. Fill out an application form by 3pm November 16th! Applications are now closed.
2. Attend and participate in 5 training sessions. The timetable is here. You must sign up for the sessions you wish to attend (sheets in Room 17). Space is limited to 30 per session.
3. Complete a practical skills and knowledge test on the topics covered during training (week 9).
Good luck to all applicants.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Hello Tech Wizards!
Hello everyone,
How are your projects coming along?
I cannot wait to see what you have been up to.
Remember your presentations will need to include steps that are clear and easy to follow.
Good luck - see you in a week's time!
Miss G :)
P.S If you have any questions you can e-mail Sheena or myself.
My e-mail address:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Term 4 Week 1 Meeting
Sophie, Izzy, Matt, Nicholas, Anna, Jared, Hannah, Annabel, Bayley, Jay
Apologies from Village 22 who are at gym.
- Tuesdays during lunchtime 1pm in Room 12
- Please let Mrs. G or Sheena know if you're unable to make it to a meeting. You are responsible for checking the Tech Wizard blog to find out what you missed.
- We will be looking for new Tech Wizards for next year soon.
- You are responsible for training these new Tech Wizards!
- Everyone must choose a topic they would like to be an expert on to train the new people. You have 4 weeks to learn about your topic and plan a training session (we will talk more about this next week)
- This week you must choose a topic and put your name down on the Tech Wizard Spreadsheet
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 3 Week 2
Present: Annabel, Henry, Ben, Sophie M, Sophie W, Harry, Jay, Bayley, Nick, Anna, John, Jared, Izzy, Hannah, Matt, Olivia
Absent: Sarah
You guys are awesome - your imovie plans are complete, you know which camcorder and laptop you are using, plus you know who is doing what for your maths game movie.
Remember movie making is demanding and intense - the more you put into it the more you will get back out!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 3 Week 1
Present: Nicholas, Matt, Annabel, Jay, Sophie, John, Harry, Rob, Hannah, Sarah, Anna
Apologies: Olivia, Sophie M, Bayley, Henry
Absent: Ben
- Maths Games iMovie - we spent time talking about the purpose of these movies and how to plan them out. Groups and progress are linked off the TW Spreadsheet. Storyboards must be finished by next week's meeting.
- Reminders about being responsible - Tech Wizards who don't follow up on things (eg. iMovie, roster) will not go on the roster. Please remember if you can't make it for whatever reason, that you must let someone know. Too many non-attendances make it hard to progress.
By next Tuesday's meeting, everyone will have:
- Completed their storyboard - otherwise you won't be able to do your movie.
- Shot at least one scene of footage for their movie. Write down which camera and which pod computer you are using in the google doc (this makes it easy to remember!!).
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 9
Present: Anna, Bayley & Nicholas, Hannah, Matt, Ben, Annabel, Henry, Jay, Sophie, John, Harry, Rob
Apologies: Olivia, Sophie M, Izzy
Absent: Jared, Sarah
- Maths Games iMovie - we spent time talking about the purpose of these movies and how to plan them out. Groups and progress are linked off the TW Spreadsheet.
- Next Tuesday - assembly setup training. All TWs are invited to attend this session with Rob and Toby.
By next Tuesday, every TW needs to have booked themselves out using the roster so they can work with their partners to complete the plan (this is on the wall in Rob's office). Next Tuesday you will start filming your footage and putting it together in an iMovie.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Tech Wizard run ICT club
Here is a new idea which the Tech Wizards may be interested in - what about a TW run ICT club for other students in the school?
This club could be run during lunchtimes in the Village and focus on the skills you see as important for FOS? This group could become part of the application process for new Tech Wizards also if you want.
Comments, ideas?
Tech Wizards at Assemblies
Dear Tech Wizards,
The ICT Team (who are a group of staff led by Miss Graham in Room 14) have had the idea of changing how assemblies are supported ICT-wise.
We need to improve the system for checking equipment is working prior to assemblies. The solution to this problem is to use a couple of Year 6 students to do this checking on the Thursday before each assembly.
The ICT Team are proposing that these Year 6 students set up and run the ICT for school assemblies, rather than the Tech Wizards, but still use the Tech Wizards to support them.
I am unsure of this suggestion because I feel that assembly responsibility is a key Tech Wizard job, but can see that having the same people run assemblies every week as a good idea for strengthening the system. There are some more ideas for Tech Wizards, which I'll share as separate posts and your comment.
What are your thoughts? Can you please make comments to this blog post so I can pass your thoughts back to the ICT team? I need this by the end of next week.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 4
Present: Matt, Anna, Henry, Ben, Annabel, Harry, Sophie, Sarah
Apologies: Bailey, Sophie, Jay, Hannah J, John, Olivia
Absent: Jared, Izzy
- Taking quality photos of learning around the school and uploading these onto the FOS Live website.
- Roster: Jared and John not present to work on roster. Annabel and Henry are taking responsibility for Monday-Wednesday, will do complete it this afternoon. Jarred will do Thursday and Friday.
- Check email every day - nobody brought a camera
- Load the pictures in iPhoto
- File > Export > Pics
- Select the correct album to upload the picture to (what area of the site do you want it to go to?)
- username:
- ** Make sure that you have permission to upload to FOS Live first**
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 3
Present: Izzy, Sophie M, Sarah, Harry, Jared, Olivia, John
Apologies: Year 4 Tech Wizards at Woodend Camp.
- Roster - Jared and John to complete during meeting. This job was not completed before the meeting. Remember that if you are not on the roster, you won't ever get to support learning across the school!
- Historical Archive - Rob shared the historical archive picasa page showing old photos sent in by former students. Check the history page on FOS Live.
- iPhoto skills for R20 children - Sarah and Sophie helped Nick and Zach from Team 20 to crop, title and rotate their Maui and the sun artwork photos ready for upload.
- Blogging skills for Room 10 -Izzy, Harry and Olivia went to Room 10 to support their blogging skills. Make sure labels are being used correctly.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 2
Present: Ben, Anna, Nicholas, Matt, Jay, Hannah, Sophie, John, Sophie, Olivia, Annabel, Bayley, Sarah and Harry
Apologies: Izzy, Jared
- Term 2 Roster - Everybody has now entered all their details into the spreadsheet. Entering these details into FirstClass. Annabel, Hannah and Henry are starting on this. Will finish by the next meeting.
- Ben (GarageBand) - Ben shared some of his songs on GarageBand and showed us how to create a simple mix.
- What do you want to learn this term? - We left comments on the last meeting's post about things we'd like to learn or improve on. Making this a personal goal/focus for the rest of the term. Thinking about how to accomplish this.
- Google accounts - many problems with signing into the TW blog to post. Checked to maked sure that invitations to join the blog were accepted and that all have Google accounts.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 1
Present: Hannah, Annabel, Ben, Henry, Nick, Anna, Matt, Bayley, Jared, Jay, Sophie
- Getting you all onto the TW Blog - everyone should now have an email link in their FirstClass inbox. You need to click this and accept the invitation in order to join the TW blog.
- Roster for Term 2 - who will be responsible? Putting in when you are available. Annabel, Hannah, Henry and Jared are responsible for the roster for Term 2. All TWs to complete the Spreadsheet by the end of this week showing when you are available.
- Ben to share his garageband learning from the holidays. We will do this next time.
- Brainstorm what you want to learn this term as comments to this blog post.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 8
Present: Sophie W, Bayley, Izzy, Matt, Nick, Sophie M, Olivia, Ben, Henry, Harry, Sarah, Jay, Jared, John, Hannah, Rob
Apologies: Annabel
Absent: Anna
- FirstClass - how to change your password. How to log in from home. Rob to fix.
- Photosharing - how to embed a slideshow onto a blog (Sophie, Bayley on duty Tues afternoon in R11).
- Roster - see how that is going. A couple of you need to go into the roster. Sophie will follow up on this ASAP. Remember every morning before school, check your email and the roster!
- Rob - figure out how to enable password changes for FirstClass.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Meeting Minutes - Term 1 Week 7
Present: Sophie W, Bayley, Izzy, Matt, Nick, Sophie M, Olivia, Ben, Henry, Harry, Sarah, Jay, Jared, John, Annabel, Rob
Absent: Hannah, Anna
- Tech Wizard marketing - Jay & Jared to share their online tutorial. We gave Jay and Jared some feedback for how it could be improved and what was great with the online tutorial. If you have any further ideas, make them as comments to this post.
- Tech Wizard FirstClass details - check for your username and passwords on the TW Spreadsheet.
- Google Apps learning - a chance to share your work so far
- Sophie/Annabel/Nick - to sort out the roster ASAP. If you are not on the roster, you need to update your details in the TW Spreadsheet, then let Sophie W, Nick or Annabel know so they can include you in the roster!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 6
Present: Nick, henry, John, Ben, Harry, Anna, Hannah, Bayley, Sophie M, Sophie W, Olivia, Jared, Izzy, Annabel, Jay, Matt
- REMINDER that you need to put learning energy into learning with google apps and Blogger. If you don't, you won't learn anything. It is FUN to learn new things.
- Practise making comments onto blog posts - everyone knows how to do this.
- Marketing the Tech Wizards - how will you ensure staff and kids know how to book you so you can help in classrooms?
Everyone - use google apps and Blogger in your classrooms, lots.
Hi guys
I would like to book some tech wizards to help out in rm 19 with putting photos onto our blog. I have just tried to book on the Tech Wizard Roster and there is no one rostered on for tomorrow - Thursday 12th March...
Can you help?
From Mrs Holland
Room 19
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 5
Present: Annabel, Henry, Ben, Jared, Matt, Sophie, Bayley, Jay,
Absent: Harry, Sarah, Olivia, Sophie M, John,
- Assembly - well done, remember to pack up. I encourage you to delegate this if you want to, to responsible people in the class who are running assembly.
- Google Apps - thank you Jared for being independent and following up. There is a relationship between how much learning energy you put into things, and how much you learn as a Tech Wizard.
- Junior Playhouse - here is the link to the junior playhouse page on FOS Live. We are supporting Mrs Brown by taking photos (Bayley, Nick, Jay) and then importing them into iPhoto (Ben). Once this is done, we then upload them to the web site (Henry, Jared, Annabel, Sophie) and they appear!
- Roster - is this all set up now? Yes.
- All - Check the roster every day.
- All - Practice using google apps.
- Bayley, Nick, Jay - get photos from R4.
- Jared - try inviting others to your presentation (eg. Carolyn, others in Room 9, etc.)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Well done on your first assembly
Thank you to Henry, Jared, Sophie and Nicholas for being the first TWs on assembly. You did a great job setting it up and it all ran smoothly during assembly. Just a reminder that you need to help to pack away again at the end - Henry and I were all on our own until you were reminded Well done Henry!
From Mrs Holland and Rm19
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 4
Present: Anna, Annabel, Jay, Henry, Ben, Nicholas, Matt, Jared, Izzy, Sophie
W, Hannah, Bayley
Apologies: Sophie M
Absent: Sarah, Olivia, Harry, John
- Logging into your Google Apps account. We didn't manage to get everyone into the TW Spreadsheet.
- Sorting out the roster. Anyone who was not here is not on the roster.
Action Points:
- Those who were absent to let Rob know why.
- Everyone to have a go at using their google apps account this coming week for something in your class. This is to be shared at the next meeting.
- Everyone is to check the roster in the FirstClass intranet. This will be finalised today by Sophie, Nick and Annabel.