Hi Rob Madi here Melbourne's great! How's tech wizards?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 8
Present: Sophie W, Bayley, Izzy, Matt, Nick, Sophie M, Olivia, Ben, Henry, Harry, Sarah, Jay, Jared, John, Hannah, Rob
Apologies: Annabel
Absent: Anna
- FirstClass - how to change your password. How to log in from home. Rob to fix.
- Photosharing - how to embed a slideshow onto a blog (Sophie, Bayley on duty Tues afternoon in R11).
- Roster - see how that is going. A couple of you need to go into the roster. Sophie will follow up on this ASAP. Remember every morning before school, check your email and the roster!
- Rob - figure out how to enable password changes for FirstClass.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Meeting Minutes - Term 1 Week 7
Present: Sophie W, Bayley, Izzy, Matt, Nick, Sophie M, Olivia, Ben, Henry, Harry, Sarah, Jay, Jared, John, Annabel, Rob
Absent: Hannah, Anna
- Tech Wizard marketing - Jay & Jared to share their online tutorial. We gave Jay and Jared some feedback for how it could be improved and what was great with the online tutorial. If you have any further ideas, make them as comments to this post.
- Tech Wizard FirstClass details - check for your username and passwords on the TW Spreadsheet.
- Google Apps learning - a chance to share your work so far
- Sophie/Annabel/Nick - to sort out the roster ASAP. If you are not on the roster, you need to update your details in the TW Spreadsheet, then let Sophie W, Nick or Annabel know so they can include you in the roster!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 6
Present: Nick, henry, John, Ben, Harry, Anna, Hannah, Bayley, Sophie M, Sophie W, Olivia, Jared, Izzy, Annabel, Jay, Matt
- REMINDER that you need to put learning energy into learning with google apps and Blogger. If you don't, you won't learn anything. It is FUN to learn new things.
- Practise making comments onto blog posts - everyone knows how to do this.
- Marketing the Tech Wizards - how will you ensure staff and kids know how to book you so you can help in classrooms?
Everyone - use google apps and Blogger in your classrooms, lots.
Hi guys
I would like to book some tech wizards to help out in rm 19 with putting photos onto our blog. I have just tried to book on the Tech Wizard Roster and there is no one rostered on for tomorrow - Thursday 12th March...
Can you help?
From Mrs Holland
Room 19
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 5
Present: Annabel, Henry, Ben, Jared, Matt, Sophie, Bayley, Jay,
Absent: Harry, Sarah, Olivia, Sophie M, John,
- Assembly - well done, remember to pack up. I encourage you to delegate this if you want to, to responsible people in the class who are running assembly.
- Google Apps - thank you Jared for being independent and following up. There is a relationship between how much learning energy you put into things, and how much you learn as a Tech Wizard.
- Junior Playhouse - here is the link to the junior playhouse page on FOS Live. We are supporting Mrs Brown by taking photos (Bayley, Nick, Jay) and then importing them into iPhoto (Ben). Once this is done, we then upload them to the web site (Henry, Jared, Annabel, Sophie) and they appear!
- Roster - is this all set up now? Yes.
- All - Check the roster every day.
- All - Practice using google apps.
- Bayley, Nick, Jay - get photos from R4.
- Jared - try inviting others to your presentation (eg. Carolyn, others in Room 9, etc.)