Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Meeting Minutes Term 2 Week 8

Present: George, Holly, Logan, Connor, Emma, Madi, Julius, Sam, Jack, Laura, Reed
Apologies: Anthony
Absent: Libby


  1. Using Terminal for things - use spotlight for finding things, as Terminal is not a programme children are allowed to use. Do not use this programme . (Command or Control-Space is the shortcut for Spotlight).
  2. Other people wanting to be Tech Wizards - no sorry, a number of reasons: Younger tech wizards makes the programme better and benefits the school more.
  3. Tech Wizard training - we need Tech Wizards to train TW applicants, bear in mind your other commitments when deciding to do this.
  4. Getting your photos and putting them into the Tech Wizard web page on the FOS site.
  5. Skype for Tech Wizards - next time...

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