Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Meeting Minutes Term 4 Week 2

Present: Jack, Holly, Connor, Libby, Reed,
Apologies: Laura, Madi, Emma, George

  1. FOS Live - Rob shared how this links in with the TWT programme. Photo sharing, blogging and iPhoto are important skills for all teachers and kids at FOS because of this.
  2. Tech Wizard Trainee Programme - Tech Wizards have been assigned to an area of responsibility for TWTs. Rob will be meeting the TWTs Wednesday to look at which job they want to learn more about and will take responsibility for. TWs need to follow up on actions below.
  3. Training the Board of Trustees Monday evening - thank you to those who helped. Very positive session.
  • In the TW Spreadsheet in google docs - decide when they will run sessions with their group each week. This needs to be communicated via the daily notices and followed up. One person in the group needs to be the leader for this.
    • Rob to set a meeting for all TWTs to get them thinking about what they want to do

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