Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Meeting Minutes - Term 4 Week 5

Present: Libby, Emma, Madi, Jack, Connor, Logan, Laura, Julius, Reed
Apologies: Holly, Anthony
Absent: George


  1. Digital Safety - what does this mean at FOS? Being safe when using digital equipment, not searching for icons, doing things that improve your learning, when you go on a website if anything bad or inappropriate happens then what to do,treating equipment with respect and safely.
  2. TWT programme -going really well. The TWTs are listening well. Remember that you are the leaders of this so assert yourselves if you need to.
  3. FOS News - we are trying to get a copy of all news items from the whole year to put on the FOS youtube account. Connor and Logan started this. We need someone to take responsibility for this and they need to liaise with the Room 10 people. On Mondays (or after assemblies) they need to put the imovie into the Class iMovie Backup > FOS News.
  4. Library & Sports Blog - getting all classes onto these two key blogs. Julius/Connor - how is the joining up of the classrooms to the library blog going?
  5. Google Apps - every TWT will get their own FOS google account (if their parent agrees). This is something TWs may not get as they already have their own gmail account.
  • Rob to list which TWT is in which area and set up a checklist for the register of who turns up.
  • Julius/Connor - identify a TWT to help you do the job of connecting classrooms to the library/sports blogs. Work with Rob next week to make the checklist.

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