I learnt how to put a Ligit search engine onto my blog!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Julius learnt...
- I learnt how to bullet points like this
- And I learnt how to put a number thingimujinghi on
madi's reflection
Today at school we learnt how to use and create an account on blogger.
I enjoyed it because blogger is an awesome site to work with and has help signs anywhere you go on it.
What I Learnt (Jack)
Today I Learnt how to access the Tech Wizards Blog & make a post.
Emma's Reflection
Today I learned how to create a blogger account. I also learned why you have to type in the letters you see when making an account on the internet.
Meeting Minutes - Term 1 Week 7
Today we looked at setting everyone up with a Blogger account so they can contribute to the Tech Wizard blog. Remember:
- You are bound by the FOS Digital Safety Guidelines when using these tools.
- Don't record your last name anywhere.
- Be ethical at all times.
- Set yourself up with a Blogger account.
- Get Logan, Libby or Rob to invite you to contribute to it.
- On your own blog (go to Dashboard), make sure you have selected 'image verification' for commenting.
- Write a blog post in the TW blog describing what you've learned today.
- Read this link on using labels, which is a crucial blogging skill!
- Once you've done that, have a play with YOUR blog, with changing the Layout > Adding Page Elements.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 6
Here are the items we covered during our meeting today:
- Setting up power cables - put the multibox on the end of the extension lead.
- Setting up the sound system - volume controls (using someone to help check sound levels from the back of the hall), plugging in the mike, mixing volumes of mikes/computer and controlling the main volume.
- Setting up datashow - get the datashow set up in relation to the screen first (before plugging into the computer), fixing keystone/focus/zoom, plugging in dongles safely. Checking Displays settings in the System Preferences.
- Checking everyone knows how to use the roster.
- Joining the Tech Wizard blog.
- How to use the TW blog.
- Photosharing using iPhoto.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Techie Brekkie - Term 1 Week 5
Here is the video of what was covered at the Techie Brekkie for staff last week. We looked at:
- Setting up a Picasa account for your class (using your room FirstClass account).
- Learning to use iPhoto to export a photo into this Picasa album.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Here are links to various iLife08 tutorials for you. I've linked to what I see as the most important things to know in each application: