Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Meeting Minutes - Term 1 Week 7

Today we looked at setting everyone up with a Blogger account so they can contribute to the Tech Wizard blog. Remember:

  • You are bound by the FOS Digital Safety Guidelines when using these tools.
  • Don't record your last name anywhere.
  • Be ethical at all times.
Your challenge:
  1. Set yourself up with a Blogger account.
  2. Get Logan, Libby or Rob to invite you to contribute to it.
  3. On your own blog (go to Dashboard), make sure you have selected 'image verification' for commenting.
  4. Write a blog post in the TW blog describing what you've learned today.
  5. Read this link on using labels, which is a crucial blogging skill!
  6. Once you've done that, have a play with YOUR blog, with changing the Layout > Adding Page Elements.

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