Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Meeting Minutes Term 1 Week 6

Here are the items we covered during our meeting today:

Assembly Setup - 
  1. Setting up power cables - put the multibox on the end of the extension lead.
  2. Setting up the sound system - volume controls (using someone to help check sound levels from the back of the hall), plugging in the mike, mixing volumes of mikes/computer and controlling the main volume.
  3. Setting up datashow - get the datashow set up in relation to the screen first (before plugging into the computer), fixing keystone/focus/zoom, plugging in dongles safely. Checking Displays settings in the System Preferences.
There is a google doc with a checklist on it here, this shows you almost everything you'd ever want to know when setting up assembly. It was written by Daniel Coats last year.

iPhoto sharing - see the Techie Brekkie post for a movie about using Picasa photo sharing.

Next week's meeting agenda:
  1. Checking everyone knows how to use the roster.
  2. Joining the Tech Wizard blog.
  3. How to use the TW blog.
  4. Photosharing using iPhoto.

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